Commands (defcommand)
Commands represent actions that can be performed in a system, either triggered by the user or by any other part of the system.
A command takes in input data (the payload) and optionally asks the system to run a query to fetch additional data required for it to run. It then executes code and eventually emits data, which typically would be delivered to registered services (see Services for more information on those.
Commands are defined and registered with the defcommand
macro. Some of the key features of commands are:
- Interface similar to reducers — commands are designed to encourage concise, side-effect-free, self-contained code; see the section about the reducing nature of commands below
- Queries, parameterized using command input data — every command has an optional query to fetch additional data; values of query parameters are resolved using the data passed to the command
- Local bindings for query results — query results are bound to names in the command execution scope automatically
- Authorization — like with entities, support for authorization comes built-in through an auth query and an auth function
- Command registry — all commands are stored in a registry from which they can be looked up again by their names at any time
Commands are like reducers
Commands can be thought of as being similar to reducers of the form
Reducer :: (State, Data) -> State
with their query and output data added into the mix as follows:
BindQuery :: UnboundQuery -> Data -> BoundQuery
-- In reality, how queries are executed is entirely up to you
RunQuery :: State -> BoundQuery -> QueryResults
-- Command implementations are, ideally, free of side-effects
Implementation :: QueryResults -> Data -> EmitData
-- Rough outline of how commands are executed
RunCommand :: State -> UnboundQuery -> Data -> Implementation -> EmitData
RunCommand state, unboundQuery, data, implementation =
implementation (RunQuery state (BindQuery unboundQuery data)) data
General structure
(require '[workflo.macros.command :refer [defcommand]])
(defcommand <name>
"description" ; Optional
(hints [...]) ; Optional
(spec ...) ; Optional (clojure.spec for the input data)
(query ...) ; Optional
(auth-query ...) ; Optional
(auth ...) ; Optional
... ; Optional (arbitrary (foo ...) forms)
(emit ...) ; Required (the implementation of the code)
Simple example
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
'[workflo.macros.command :as commands :refer [defcommand]]
'[workflo.macros.entity :refer [defentity]]
'[workflo.macros.specs.types :as types])
;; User entity (this establishes specs for a user's attributes)
(s/def :user/name ::types/string)
(s/def :user/email ::types/string)
(defentity user
(s/keys :req [:workflo/id
;; Specs for the command input data
(s/def :create-user/user (get user :spec)) ; Reuse the user spec here
(s/def :create-user/timestamp ::types/instant)
;; Implementation of a command to create new users
(defcommand create-user
"Creates a user and sends them a welcome email."
;; The command expects a user and a timestamp
(s/keys :req-un [:create-user/user
;; Query all existing users with their emails
[{users [user [email]]} :as existing-users])
(let [;; Extract the new user from the input data
new-user (get data :user)
;; Define a predicate for checking whether the user already exists
matches-new-user? (fn [existing-user]
(= (get existing-user :user/email)
(get new-user :user/email)))]
(if (some matches-new-user? existing-user)
;; Emit nothing if the user exists
;; Otherwise, create the user in the database and send an email
;; What you emit here is entirely up to you
{:db [[:create new-user]]
:email [{:from "Great App <>"
:to (get new-user :user/email)
:subject (str "Welcome to Great App, "
(get new-user :user/email)}]})))))
;; Run the command
(commands/run-command! 'create-user
{:user {:workflo/id "..."
:user/name "John"
:user/email ""}
:timestamp (})
;; -> {:db [[:create {:workflo/id "..."
;; :user/name "John"
;; :user/email ""}]]
;; :email [{:from "Great App <>"
;; :to ""
;; :subject (str "Welcome to Great App, John")}]}
;; Run the command again
(commands/run-command! 'create-user
{:user {:workflo/id "..."
:user/name "John"
:user/email ""}
:timestamp (})
;; -> {}
API documentation
The following is a list of pointers to namespaces related to commands:
- workflo.macros.command
- The
macro - Command execution
- Command registry
- Command hooks
- The
- workflo.macros.command.util
- Internal utilities for
- Internal utilities for
- workflo.macros.specs.command
- Specs for
- Specs for