

(binding-paths query)

Returns a vector of all property binding paths for a query or parsed query.


(path-bindings [leaf & path])

Takes a property binding path and returns destructuring map that can be used in combination with e.g. let to pluck the value of the corresponding property from a query result and bind it to the name of the property.

E.g. for a property path (a b/c d) (simplified notation with only the property names), it would return {{{a :a} :b/c} :d}, allowing to destructure a map like {:d {:b/c {:a <val>}}} and bind a to <val>.

It treats backref properties like _b/c in joins special by binding to b instead of c (the regular case) or _b.


(property-binding-paths property)(property-binding-paths property path)

Takes a property and an optional path of parents. Returns a flat vector of all paths inside the property and its parents. Each path is again a sequence of properties, starting from the leaf (e.g. a regular property) and ending at the root of the query.

As an example, the query [{user [user [name email]]]}] would result in the query AST

[{:name user :type :join
  :join-source {:name user :type :property}
  :join-target [{:name user/name :type :property}
                {:name user/email :type :property}]}].

Calling property-binding-paths with the join property would result in two paths, one for user -> user/name and one for user -> user/email:

[({:name user/name :type :property}
  {:name user :type :join :join-source ... :join-target ...})
 ({:name user/email :type :property}
  {:name user :type :join :join-source ... :join-target ...})].


(query-bindings query)

Takes a query or parsed query and returns map bindings to be applied to the corresponding query result in order to destructure and bind all possible properties in the query result to their names.

E.g. for a query [a :as b c [d e {f [g :as h]}]] it would return {b :a, d :c/d, e :c/e, f :f, {{h :g} :f}}.


(simplified-name sym-or-kw)



(with-query-bindings query result & body)

Takes a query, a query result and an arbitrary code body. Wraps the code block so that all possible bindings derived from the query are bound to the values in the query result.


(with-query-bindings* query result body)